
Pirates For Hire - http://www.piratesforhire.com/pirates.html

Mallory and McCall Musical Entertainers - http://www.malloryandmccall.com/ or for just their Pirate Songs go to http://www.malloryandmccall.com/piratepageone.html

Rachel Brice - http://www.theindigo.net/2006/ or www.rachelbrice.com or For videos - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnYYK07lGFc

Marooned - http://www.marooned-lv.com/

Knights of the Azure Cross - http://www.azurecrossknights.homestead.com/AzureKnightsOne.html

Out of Kontrol Jugglers - http://www.ookjugglers.com/

Whipboy - http://www.whipboy.com/index.htm

Scott Williams Hammered Dulcimer - http://www.scottdulcimer.com/

Revenge From The Sea - http://revengefromthesea.com/

Merrie Pryanksters English Country Dancers - http://www.pryanksters.org/

Wicked Tinkers - http://www.wickedtinkers.com/

Molly's Revenge - http://www.mollys-revenge.com/

Brother - http://www.brothermusic.com/

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